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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Representative Janet Adkins is okay with the perception of deception.

Mrs. Adkins pro privatization anti-public school agenda has been a frequent topic of the blog (just put her name in the search box) but she may have just taken the cake.  Her sub-committee has recently voted to expunge the words Common and Core from the state statutes.

This is her in the Current: K-12 Subcommittee chairwoman, Rep. Janet Adkins, R-Fernandina Beach, tried to explain that the measure is a technical clean-up bill, repealing terminated programs and correcting cross references in the official record but did not address policy.

The policy by the way of implementing common core which it turns out will be both expensive and not all the common is continuing.

Like Common Core or not isn’t this insulting? How dumb does Mrs. Adkins think the people of Florida are?

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