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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Is the Times Union trying to make money off VAM scores?

For you conspiracy theorists out there, though in this day and age I think anything is possible.

The short of it is the Times Union sued to have teacher’s VAM scores released and controversy ensued. The FLDOE has decided not to put teacher’s VAM scores up on their web-sites though people can request them, the TU had no such compulsion and put up a data base where you could enter, district school and teacher to check on VAM scores.  

Here is the thing, unless you are a member of the TUs site, something you have to pay for and a rate that just went up recently you can’t access the data base.  Hmmm, I wonder how many subscriptions they will sell to people who just want to access the VAM data, my guess is more than a few.

Despite Frank Denton’s pleas that they were just doing their civic duty and informing the public, I have no doubt in my mind that this was all about them making money.  

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