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Thursday, February 20, 2014

More Florida Charter school madness, districts on the hook for their fines

3 Broward County Charter schools, including part of the Maverick’s chain owned by Frank Biden the vice president’s brother have racked up 1.5 million dollars in fines. Financial mismanagement of charter schools in Florida is nothing new, the district they are in being on the hook for their fines is.

The private sector being able to do things cheaper and better is a myth.

The problem isn’t the concept of charter schools, it is very seductive and attractive and there are some that does it right but there are too many mercenaries and bad actors just looking to make a buck in the industry.  There are too many schools where educating children takes a back seat to making money.

What an absolute tragedy.

1 comment:

  1. The link is:,0,1071694.story
