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Monday, February 10, 2014

More proof how utterly messed up Florida’s education system is. Be sure to read on an empty stomach while sitting.

First there is the F rated charter school using public money to advertise for more students. 

Oh vey! From the Tampa Times:  Woodmont Charter School, an F-rated elementary and middle school, is advertising on television for more students.

The 30-second cable spot shows children listening attentively, raising their hands, working on computers and romping through the playground.
But it doesn't mention the school's grade.

Then Bob Sykes from Scathing Purple Musings put together that over the last four years Florida’s Charters Schools have received a cash bonanza in PECO funds. Last year, charters received $91 million while school districts split $6 million with another $14 million going toward special facility construction projects in rural counties unable to raise additional money. In 2011 and 2012, charters received $55 million each year while school districts received no state PECO dollars.

Add that to the 90 million they are budgeted to get this year and that’s 291 million for a couple hundred-charter schools while 3,500 public schools had to split less than a hundred million.

Only in Florida. 

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