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Thursday, March 15, 2012

If the KIPP School gets another F what does that say about the DCSB?

There is an article in the local paper about the local KIPP School paying kids if they make gains on the FCAT. Some people seem surprised by this but in reality many of Jacksonville’s schools have been offering incentives for years now. However this does make me wonder what would happen if the local KIPP School made another F.

In case you missed it the much-ballyhooed KIPP School had the lowest FCAT score in Northeast Florida last year, in fact its kids regressed from their time in public school. What was their penalty? Well they were allowed expand of course. Yes that’s right they asked if they could expand and the Duval County School Board said go right ahead.

Well that’s not exactly true they had to cross their hearts and promise they would do better first. Not get better mind you, saying they would was good enough.

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