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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Only 4 of the first 50 Teach for America teachers remain in Jacksonville's schools

Since 2008, Teach for America has partnered with the district to bring in “about 50” new teachers each year

How many of those “about 50” from that first year do you think are still teaching this year? No I will just tell you, the thought of people guessing numbers that aren’t even close is unbearable.

Four, just four.

If you didn’t know Teach for America takes non education majors off supposed elite campuses puts them through a five week education boot camp and then places them in our most struggling schools to serve a two year commitment.

I am sure those four that lasted are much better teachers today than they were when they started. You see this is what happens to teachers because experience, despite what proponents of Teach for America will tell you, matters.

This year Duval County is supposed to bring in over a hundred TFA teachers while local teachers and college of Ed grads, people who would most likely stay a lot longer than just two years, can’t find jobs! These are the people we should be looking to place in our classrooms.

Our children deserve better than hobbyists looking for an adventure.

Chris Guerrieri
School Teacher

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