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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Teacher happy hour update 2

I call it happy hour but when teachers get together and talk about teaching happy subjects are rarely brought up. I was with a middle school English teacher, a high school special education teacher, an elementary school special education teacher, and an elementary school resource teacher all from different schools and besides being a teacher what did they have in common? They were all disappointed in our system.

The administration makes up things as they go along was one complaint. They don’t get back to you for weeks and when you finally force a response it seems made up on the spot.

My team was told we can only fail three students, like I have any control over kids that don’t come or who don’t do any work. We have to sift through about thirty that should fail to find the right three.

Discipline? What discipline, kids roam the halls with impunity. The principal was trying to do something but Educational Directions told him to stop because it meant kids were outside the classes in tardy tanks not learning. Now they are still outside, they just aren’t getting any consequences.

How am I supposed to teach double classes? First no kids can learn but it is also a safety issue too. One kid cut his eyelashes off with a pair of scissors and somehow it was my fault. When the principal was berating me asking what I was doing when this happened, I told her I was dealing with one of the 39 other problems that were going on at the same time.

None of them are happy.

Friends we can’t have a system that treats teachers like second-class citizens and puts them in impossible situations and expect them and their kids to be successful.

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