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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Duval's graduation rate plummets when federal government does the numbers

According to the federal government, Duval’s graduation rate has improved over the last few years increasing nearly ten percent. Going from 53.5% in 07/08 to 63.3% in 10/11. I just wonder how much of this is because of Grade recovery which many in the district feel has greatly inflated the numbers. As we have relied more and more heavily on grade recovery to have kids pass classes, there has been a corresponding bump in our graduation rates.

The state which doesn’t count thousands of students when figuring the grad rate had Duval’s rate at 71.2% or 7.9% higher than the federal government. The state will switch to the federal governments formula next year.

Some more statistics according to the federal government:

Duval’s African American graduation rate is 54.8%
50th out of 67 counties

Miami Dade, 71.3 percent overall and 62.4% for African American students.
23rd out of 67 counties

I mention Miami Dade because they are nearly three times bigger than us and have a higher percentage of students on free and reduced lunch but despite this their numbers are routinely a lot better than ours.

1 comment:

  1. Figues lie and liars figure. What is achievement if words have no meaning.
