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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Where can you miss nine or more days every few weeks and still be succesful? DCPSchools is where.

Duval County public schools that is where! Friends as long as we use grade recovery the way we currently do attendance has become optional. In Duval County public schools it doesn’t matter if kids show up OR NOT.

Now because of illness or emergency there are legitimate reasons for absences and for kids that miss a lot of days because of those things, opportunities to make up their work should be given. When I went to school you could miss nine days in a nine weeks (can you miss nine days at your work every nine weeks?) and as long as you didn’t miss 10 you were fine.

How about this? If you miss seven times in 45 days you automatically lose a letter grade, 9 two-letter grades and over 10 times you fail. What would happen to you if you missed that many days at your job? Life does not have work recovery.

Do we really care if a kid knows the quadratic formula or is the real lesson we want them to learn is a work ethic, to know the value of work? Duval County sadly cares about neither!

What do you care about?

Is this what you envisioned when you voted for your school board representative? That kids could do whatever they wanted to, whenever they wanted to, and experience zero consequences for their actions? That they would pass just because?

How haven’t we said, enough already?

Our school system isn’t just sad it is pathetic but it doesn’t have to be that way. We could do great things if we had the will to do so and step one is demanding our leaders do things the right way.

1 comment:

  1. What makes this even more egregious is that teachers will be evaluated on student performance.
