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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

President Obama can’t help but blame schools

First I would like to say, I applaud how the President has handled the economy. We are not where we should be but considering where we were and the obstruction he has faced I think he has done a good job. In fact other than the use of drones there is only one other position where I really disagree with the President and that’s education.

When talking about the plight of some neighborhoods on the Jay Leno show he mentioned failing schools. I have a few questions for the president.

Has a school ever cut a budget?

Did schools create the drill and kill testing culture that sucks the life out of education.

Are schools responsible for crippling poverty, absentee parents and the privatization movement that takes the resources out of schools that can least afford to lose them?

Did schools pass the punitive and unrealistic No Child Left Behind or the bill that turned education into a game, Race to the Top?

How were schools involved with pushing measures that have no evidence that says they work, merit pay, or who experts say shouldn’t be used, high stakes standardized tests?

Why are you pushing for they types of schools that you would never send your daughters to?

Finally did schools fail neighborhoods or did society fail schools?

People might not like to admit it but the president is closer to Jeb Bush’s Education philosophy than Diane Ravitch.

Another day, another opportunity to blame teachers.

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