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Monday, August 12, 2013

Florida’s latest worst politician of all time Seth Mckeel.

McKeel’s 3 charter schools made the news today because they were on the verge of financial collapse. Friends how much evidence do people need to realize the reason we have had the rampant growth of charter schools in Florida is so politicians, their family members and donors can get rich? Money not the fate of our children drives their motives. 

This however isn’t the first time McKeel’s charter schools have been in the news.

McKeels charter schools spent 70 grand on a retreat in 2009, something that had done for at least 5 years, hmm and we wonder why they are in financial trouble now.

Then in 2010 the schools were accused of counseling out poor performers and discipline problems something its superintendent did not deny.

How are charter schools public schools again? 

For financial mismanagement, wasting money and for short-changing kids futures, McKeel gets the latest worst politician of all time award. Sadly in Florida he has lots of company.

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