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Thursday, August 22, 2013

The failure of the age of accountability and choice.

The A-F grading scale in Florida in 14 years old and today the ACT reported only 19% of graduating seniors are college ready. Full disclosure, when I started college I had to take intermediate algebra in college, the course before college credit college algebra, of course in high school I took no algebra and no math at all as a senior.  
We have had 14 years of Jeb Bush’s reforms, the first group of third graders he failed graduated four years ago and all it has done is lead to a bit less than a fifth of our kids graduating completely college ready, 36th in the nation. After the FCAT, blame the teachers and strip them of work protections, charter schools, vouchers, merit pay and everything else, after all that here we are at less than a fifth completely ready college and with a little over 40 percent not ready for any college at all, which is 9 percent higher than the national average.  By the way friends these are just the kids that are taking the ACT too, I shudder to think how ready the ones that didn’t take it are.
A common definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and to expect a different outcome. Well friends here we are in year 14, anybody think another will do any good?

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