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Monday, January 6, 2014

Charter schools in Florida are closing at an alarming rate.

Charter schools have been around in Florida for over a decade and you would think by now they would be improving but despite what the pro-charter crowd would have you believe they are not. Now don’t get me wrong there are some charter schools that do it right but there are enough bad actors and charter chains looking to make a buck that the industry has a serious black eye.

Over the years 252 charter schools have opened, taken public money and then closed and that includes 25 in 2013 alone.

Looking at the list of 250 plus schools 2013 was one of the worse years ever and this begs the questions why aren’t charter schools getting better? Why aren’t there fewer closures?  

One of the reasons is because the Florida legislature has made it very easy to open them as several legislators and their family members have found out and this has made it so there will be even more openings and failings in the future.  

Even if you are a charter school fan, shouldn’t you want Florida to slow down and get it right? Don’t our kids deserve it? Or are the bank accounts of charter school operators’ king.

1 comment:

  1. It is a mystery. You would think pro-charter folks would want to clamp down on the fly-by-night operators who are making their movement look like a disaster. Of course, if too many of supporters were interested in supporting charters as sources of $$ and not as sources of quality education, that could explain the problem...
