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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Nearly sixty principal changes in one year for Vitti.

About fifty last year and 11 before the semester break this.

I am of two minds, first schools don’t need merit pay or odious teacher evaluations, they don’t need teams from the state looking over their shoulders either, what they need are excellent principals and in school leadership is a major problem that Duval schools have had. Are there some good principals and assistants? Sure but for too long who you knew not your ability to do the job determined a lot of promotions and it has led to a lot of 28 year old admins with barely any classroom experience and a lot of people who have no business being in their current roles.

Then I get that sometimes these things take time, that people have to grow into roles and fantastic principals and teachers might not always hit the ground running and need time to develop.  Furthermore a lot of education is about developing relationships, in some regards that’s the most important thing a teacher and principal can do and that too takes time.

My biggest complaint however is it seems like instead of developing the next round of leaders something the county desperately needs, instead we are just shuffling the same old people around. It’s not rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic but if there is rhyme and reason I am having a difficult time seeing it.   


  1. We have an A.P. at my school with NO classroom experience. She must feel very insecure, because she is a rude tyrant. I have never heard any teacher say anything nice about her. She is a true Bitch, with a capital B. She was a guidance counselor, but somehow is clueless about how she makes people feel.

  2. I really struggle with AP's who have no experience beyond the 3 years of teaching, if that. How can they give me advice on teaching when I have taught triple the average years of most of the AP's and even some Principals? I also think it is quite interesting that Vitti looked at the "data" to do some of these changes; however, none of the CGA's (Curriculum Guide Assessments) were ever field-tested or even checked by other teachers (beyond those who created the assessments). I have taught at schools with mediocre and excellent principals. Very little changed in terms of reading or math growth every year. Only writing really improved, and that had more to do with specific teachers who taught that skill of timed writing. Seriously, I doubt the impact any of these changes will truly have on the students.

  3. I agree. It totally disrespects teachers. Vitti is a tyrant too.
