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Friday, January 24, 2014

School choice advocate accuses teachers of anger, hatred and name calling.

From the gift that keeps on giving, ReDefined Ed, by Wendy Howard:

While working on our upcoming National School Choice Week event that will showcase the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision I noticed some similar behaviors between those who opposed desegregation in that landmark case and the behaviors of those who oppose school choice today.

Anger, hatred, name calling. Shall I go on? People can be very cruel when they feel threatened or disagree.


For years the school choice movement vilified teachers, portraying them as union thugs who only cared about comfy pensions and Cadillac benefits as charter school and voucher proponents sold their substandard wears as alternatives to failing public schools. And according to Mrs. Howard these are the good guys?!?

Education reformers and school choice supporters are constantly trying to rewrite the narrative as more and more people stop buying the snake oil they are selling and waking up to how bad they have been for education. Patrick Gibbons of Redefined Ed thinks teachers were tricked into thinking they were victims so they wouldn’t support school choice which is really just another name for privatization.

Teachers and public school supporters are guilty of one thing though and that’s not waking up sooner to the assault on public education and public school teachers. We sat back as profiteers, mercenaries and union haters wrote the narrative. We woke up late because we couldn’t understand the vitriol and hatred channeled our way but we didn’t wake up too late.     

Mrs. Howard is right though, people can be very cruel especially when they are trying to make a buck and everyday folks like teachers who dedicated their lives to children are standing in their way.
Another day, another self serving and ridiculous change to the school choice narrative.

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