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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gary Chartrand gets his citrus grower

The other day Gary Charrand the chair of the state board of education and a grocer by trade said what the state board of education needs is a citrus grower, well today he got his wish as citrus grower and dabbler in education Andy Tuck joined the board. He joins Chartrand and Teach for America recruiter and New York transplant, Rebecca Fishman Lipps. Between the three of them they have zero experience teaching in a Florida classroom but hey what could go wrong.

Since it is Florida, I wondered what other profession needed representation on the board, teachers of course are excluded.

How about a surfer because we need somebody to hang ten, which coincidently enough is the number of changes Florida has done to its accountability system over the last couple of years and nearly the amount of education commissioners there has been under Scott.

How about a killer what trainer because the powers that be already think all you have to do is throw teachers the occasional fish.

An astronaut, I know Chartrand would love to blast the teacher unions into space.

Finally how about Mickey Mouse, oh wait the state board is already a Mickey Mouse club.   

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