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Friday, January 10, 2014

Pro School Choice blog promotes creationism over evolution

I think creationism could have a place in education but in a philosophy or religion class not a science class. Schools, well credible schools anyways no longer teach the theory of evolution they just teach evolution.

Patrick Gibbons of Redefined Ed, who never met a public school he liked or charter he didn’t went on to defend the use of public money to teach creationism as a science and to deny or ignore evolution. He writes, 

Academically acceptable” could mean a lot of different things, and it’s worth debating.  

No Mr. Gibbons, some things are not worth debating.


  1. We will make you an honest blogger one of these days Chris! :)

  2. I am just calling them like I see them. And someday you may just realize unfettered choice is the worst choice possible.
