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Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Florida department of education joins the corporate reform movement, works against public schools. FOR SHAME!!!

The Florida department of education joins the corporate reform movement, works against public schools.

I get it people have a wide variety of opinions on education issues but don’t you think the people running our government should be neutral about things?

Duval County sends all its teachers an electronic summary of education stories. I used to call it the daily propaganda but it’s a little better now and for the most part they just send us links to news stories. Well the other day a blog was one of the submissions too. A pro charter/corporate reform blog, The Jay P. Greene blog and they did a piece about how great charter schools were.

So I called the district on it and said if you are going to do pro charter pieces from blogs you should print the other side too and sent them the following message, they just got stuff wrong, the CREDO says charters are underperforming, in Florida, over 250 have closed in florida over the years including, 25 in 2013 alone, their graduation rates are abysmal and I could go on  and a piece form Salon which outlines one charter tragedy after another.

To the districts credit they asked me what I thought they should do differently and I told them don’t use blogs just stick with the news, though if they wanted to use a blog I know a pretty good one they could do.

And this is what the district wrote back: Thank you! I will investigate; this (the Jay P. Green blog) must have been included in the DOE clips that we publish!

That means the FLDOE is sending out pro charter school propaganda, they aren’t interested in having the right answer they want their answer to be right. Now I guess this shouldn’t come as a surprise as last year they put out a highly discredited charter school study but seriously what the beep!!!!! 

Florida’s very own department of education is working against public schools and isn’t above using deceptive propaganda to sell their point.

For shame, for shame, for shame! 

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