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Monday, January 13, 2014

Common Core to be renamed Kind of Common Core

From the Tampa Times by Jeff Solochek

The Florida Department has released a set of 46 changes it wants to make to the Common Core state standards, which the Florida Board of Education adopted in 2010. 
The recommendations, which are due out officially around noon, would include revisions to existing language and also additional items that do not appear in the Common Core. In all, the department is proposing 13 amendments to the English-language arts standards and 33 in math, including nine new math standards. Most are minor and technical in nature.
They come four months after Gov. Rick Scott distanced himself from the Common Core, amid criticisms from his base of support, and called for Florida to create its own standards free from federal intrusion. He reiterated his position that the state will control the standards during a speech in Orlando this weekend.
Some of the notable proposals include addition of cursive writing skills, calculus standards and the use of comparative relational thinking in algebra. See the ELA proposals and themath proposals by clicking on the links.
The State Board is to receive the recommendations on Jan. 21, and to vote on them on Feb. 18.
So lets get this straight, Florida won't be doing the same test as the rest of the states, curriculum will be determined by local districts and now the FLDOE proposes 46 changes, how is common core common again?

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