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Monday, September 8, 2014

Carvalho versus Vitti on Florida's out of control testing (rough draft)

The superintendent out Miami came out firing about high stakes testing. Calling them out for the travesty they have become he was in dozens of Florida papers, the Washington Post:
and his communications department even reached out to this blog to see if I would reprint his thorough and thought provoking rebuke of the system:
In short he was on a quest to leave no stones unturned.

This is what Vitti did, from WJCT:
“Testing is sucking the oxygen out of the classrooms across our country,” said member and retired Ed White High School teacher Annalee McPhilomy.
Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said he shared some of those sentiments.
“We are putting ourselves, as a state, in a very uncomfortable position and the possibility of a perfect storm brewing…where we’re thinking about holding teachers, students, principals accountable to an assessment system that has not been properly field-tested,” Vitti said.
Gee you think? Gosh I am glad you share some of the same sentiments. Now how about a little leadership on the problem. Carvalho sees a problem and pushed back hard, where Vitti's response seems to be a little more than a shrug of the shoulders.

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