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Monday, September 1, 2014

Does anybody really believe Gary Chartrand wants to help kids?

Gary Chartrand is the guy who went from running grocery stores to running our schools as the Chair of the State Board of Education, using donations, instead of knowledge and experience to get the position.

He has made my blog a lot recently, supporting candidates who aren’t above misleading people and donating to a PAC that straight up lies.  

Well today’s installment of, Mr. Chartrand please climb back into your hole, you are hurting kids, involves his reaction to a lawsuit filed by the the State School Board Association, FEA, the PTA, the NAACP and the League of Women Voters, the most vile of children hating groups around (sic) according to his rhetoric anyways, that wants to stop Florida’s voucher program.

“I believe in choice and in freedom especially for those children that have limited mobility and limited financial resources. The Florida tax credit scholarships provide this freedom for our most underserved population to choose a school that best serves their needs.  The FSBA “is acting without consideration for this population by filing a law suit against this program. This is surprising and disheartening, and I call on them to rethink their position and withdraw the lawsuit.” –

This from the millionaire who sent his children to exclusive prep schools unlike the schools that he wants to filter Florida’s poorest children into. Now I fully admit there are some great private schools that take vouchers but you must fully admit some are operated out of abandoned strip malls where their teachers with their AA degrees teach creationism as science and everything in between.

The thing is Chartrand doesn’t care because they aren’t public schools staffed by union employees and in his mind that makes them better.

If he really cared about kids then instead of trying to privatize public education he would be striving to improve it but he’s not and that should tell you all you need to know.

Mr. Chartrand it’s time to go away. 

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