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Saturday, September 27, 2014

What responsibility does SOTRU's Al Letson have in the school privatization battle?

First let me say I have listened to dozens of pieces on Al Letson's radio program The State of the Re:Union and been captivated by every one. It is an amazing show bringing light to important stories that might have otherwise remained hidden.

That being said I want to know the motivation behind him emceeing WJCT's American Graduate Champion Awards dinner where they celebrated foe of public school teachers and advocate of privatization Gary Chartrand. 

Does he share Chartrand's disdain for public school teachers? Is he for the privatization of our schools or was this just another gig and free dinner for him, which I think in a way would be even worse.

I fully admit there are a lot of people who think Chartrnd is doing good work, he is definitely not afraid to throw his money around and he is also able to get the people in the circles he travels in to do the same. At the same time however you must admit that if he was an averge citizen without the money to back up his ideas, like most teachers he wouldn't be able to get the time of day from anybody with any real influence. You must also admit that to public schools and teachers many of his ideas have been destructive. Does Letson care about the entire package or like most did he just look at the dollar signs and go with the flow.  I would like to know. 

I am still going to listen to the SOTRU but sadly now I do so knowing either Letson is on the wrong side of the debate or he just doesn't care enough to make a stand.

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