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Thursday, September 11, 2014

The state board of education moves forward with plan to end local control of schools.

They are called the Florida board of education but the truth is there isn't a true educator in the bunch. They are led by Jacksonville's own grocer in chief Gary Chartrand.

From the Tampa Times: The Florida Board of Education is set to adopt a new standard charter school contract when it meets Sept. 29 in Tampa. The move comes despite lengthy debate by lawmakers that ended in the spiking of a bill that would have mandated a single uniform contract for all charters.

The state board's notice of the proposed rule, published in July, indicates that it's moving ahead based on a 2013 law that authorized the Department of Education to "implement a charter model application form, standard evaluation instrument, and standard charter and charter renewal contracts."

Here is an idea, instead of forcing school districts to take charters they neither want nor need, why not let them decide and create the contracts they want too or you know the exact opposite of what is happening now.

Why have local school boards or districts if this group of campaign donors posing as a board has the power to tell them what they can and cannot do?

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