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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Is there no room in Ashley Smith Juarez's cold cold heart for forgiveness?

From WJCT:

Monday, Quiller briefly took the stand before board members to answer questions. She told board members she volunteered to take the challenging position at her alma mater Ribault because she wanted to give back to her community.
“So you knew it was going to be a challenging situation,” Board Member Cheryl Grimes asked her.
Quiller said she was aware it would be difficult, but "was not prepared for the lack of materials and resources."
"It was very difficult to maintain the decorum for these students because we had no schedules for eight weeks," she said. "It was pretty much chaos."
Board Member Paula Wright recommended a 30-day suspension for Quiller, but that was rejected.
Instead, the board backed another recommendation made by Board Member Ashley Smith-Juarez to uphold the district’s earlier decision to fire Quiller.
um they are firing her? What about getting down on their knees and thanking her for showing up everyday without resources and support most likely putting out fires/averting disasters doing her best with nothing to work with day after day for weeks. I bet Mrs. Smith-Juarez while at Bolles never had to go without and I also bet she wouldn't have lasted one day in Mrs. Quillers classroom.
This lady (and her students were set up for failure and left twisting in the wind and she's fired for inappropriate language which I have no doubt didn't approach the level she heard from her students.
Okay fire her a 21 year veteran, but what about the principal or Ribault, the director f the bridge, the area super, they all get passes. Duval undoubtedly dodged a bullet an we're lucky something even more tragic didn't occur.
Heck why does the super and school board get a pass.If they had been doing their jobs providing direction and resources then the teacher never would have never been put in the position. 
It's easy to fire her I guess than to accept any responsibility here and there is plenty to go around here.. 
Some despicable behavior has occurred but it's the school board that did it.

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