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Friday, June 5, 2015

Sister school of amazingly bad charter school about to be allowed to expand.

I am just going to get right to it. The Somerset Academy is about to renewed for five more years and be allowed to double in size. It's grades this far have been A, B and C. Not bad but definitely heading in the wrong direction. It's sister school the Somerset Preparatory school is another story all together.

From the Times Union: Educators in the First Coast region said these results don’t surprise them, because they knew where their trouble schools were, thanks to diagnostic tests they gave to third graders earlier in the school year.
David Cook, principal at Somerset Prep, where 63 percent made the list, said many of his third graders started the year behind grade level, but they made more than a year’s worth of progress. That still wasn’t enough to meet Florida’s newly raised grade-level standards, he said.
And the principal wouldn't exaggerate or anything would they? Um 63%?!? You could have the kids watch reading rainbow all year and they would have done better. 
Expansion of the Somerset brand really seems to have hurt them. The year before their expansion their two schools grades were A and B, afterwards, C, B and two Fs.
Before being allowed to expand shouldn't Somerset get it's sister schools affairs/academic performance in order? 

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