Lets face it the School Board has a recent history of being in the dark. There was the mess at Schools of the Future, the revelation that they plead poverty while sitting on over a hundred million dollars that the superintendent didn’t tell them about and when speaking about his retirement Pratt-Dannals said he had discussed the possibility with key members of the school board, which begs the question, out of the seven who isn’t key?
All this makes me wonder if the whole board knows who they will actually be meeting with to get advice. You see when they are meeting with the Center for Reform of School System they will really be meeting with the Broad Foundation who finances the center.
The Broad Foundation is dedicated to the corporate reform of urban school districts and they were the cash behind the Parent Revolution group that tried to bring the parent trigger to Florida. They also run a superintendent academy that takes people from the business world and military and train them to be superintendents; not educators mind you.
The Broad Foundation has a rich history of being anti-professional teacher and public education having pushed charter schools, high stakes testing, performance pay for teachers, donated to Teach for America and recently the parent trigger movement at one time or another.
Betty Burney obviously knows because she consults with them on a regular basis but who else on the board does?
It is troubling to think that the board is going to meet with an organization whose main goal is the privatization of public schools to get advice to hire the superintendent.
Chris Guerrieri
School Teacher
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