If something happens once you can kind of blow it off as a fluke. Twice maybe you can reason it is a coincidence but three or more times, well that makes a trend. The school board has developed a keep the public in the dark trend.
First there were the two meetings they had to fire the superintendent which by their titles, quarterly update and continuing quarterly update were designed to exclude the public. The notes they kept at these meetings were vague to say the least never mentioning this huge decision.
Next they said they were going to do all they could to include the public in the process to pick a new superintendent, which would be great if it was true. The first meeting they had and the second two they scheduled are all at times that assure teachers and the vast majority of the public cannot attend.
Then without explanation they changed their timetable for hiring a superintendent from December after the elections to August before the elections.
Finally, they announced they are meeting with a Houston non-profit but what they don’t say is it is actually a front for the Broad Foundation whose mission is to put non-education types in charge of urban school districts to enact corporate reforms.
All of this has to do with the superintendent and all of it keeps the public in the dark and all of this is troubling.
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