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Monday, August 27, 2012

Connie Hall, School Board district 5, is missing in action again.

When the Times Union asked her opinion on picking the next superintendnet this is what they wrote: Multiple attempts to reach Hall last week by text and phone call were not returned.

This on the heels of her ducking questions about why she asked the school board to withdraw the contract her for profit company was about to receive.

From the Folio:

A woman who answered the telephone at Hall’s company, Ready for Tomorrow, took a detailed message for Hall. A second message was left later the same day, but neither call was returned. Reached at the same number on Aug. 16, the woman said she had emailed Folio Weekly’s contact information to Hall but declined to provide a number for her. “Thank you very much,” she said, as she abruptly hung up. The contact number Hall gave to the Supervisor of Elections was disconnected on Aug. 15. Johnson said she didn’t have a current number for Hall and none of the schools where Ready for Tomorrow staff tutored had a telephone number for the company.

From the Times Union:

Hall did not immediately respond to a phone call Tuesday seeking comment on why she requested the withdrawal.

I have to think Guerrieri, of Gaines-Macintosh, Hall's district 5 competitors, would have been interested in keeping the public informed and answering questions.

This is not a very good start.

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