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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Special meetings are one of the biggest problems with the Duval County school board

Hopefully things will change in the near future but one of the biggest problems our current school board has is they practice bad governance. Rather than informing the people of Jacksonville and inviting them in to the decision making process they often exclude them and they do this by making important decisions at special meetings or board workshops.

Many people are unaware that this even happens but our board will also vote on an issue, usually the controversial ones, KIPP and Ed Directions are two recent examples, away from the television cameras and when few people are around. Everybody knows about the first Tuesday meeting and can usually attend because it happens after work; few people know about the special meetings and can attend because they take place during the business day.

Are they following the letter of the law, yes but they are butchering the intent of open government along the way.

This is a policy that should be stopped immediately.

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