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Thursday, August 9, 2012

It is time the City said goodbye to Betty Burney, after all she doesn't know right from wrong

I recently addressed the school board about their business practices to which Betty Burney told the Times Union, Guerreri’s comments during the meeting were disruptive and ill informed. She said she endorsed Hall, in part, because Ready for Tomorrow has done admiral work with the school system.

I couldn’t imagine Mrs. Burney having any factual evidence to back up either claim but the reality is by now the city of Jacksonville should start to tune her out. Coming off the revelation that she has unpaid ethics fines she now pleads ignorance about what is right and wrong.

From the Times Union: Duval’s school system is Ready for Tomorrow’s only paying customer. The School Board, including Burney, voted unanimously to give the group a $270,000 contract in 2011. Burney’s sister was an employee at the time.

Stillman said she couldn’t speak to the details of Burney’s 2011 vote on the contract. But Burney said Thursday she should have abstained. She said she didn’t know she needed to abstain at the time.

“I had always been told that it was an immediate family member, and for me an immediate family member meant husband, child, etc.,” she said.

Burney said she planned to abstain from next Tuesday’s vote because of her sister’s employment on the advice of the school system’s lawyer Karen Chastain.

Mrs. Burney has been on the board for nearly 8 years and if she doesn't know right from wrong by now it is highly doubtful that she ever will.


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