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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Does Jackson Principal Iranetta Wright know where the bodies are buried?

This was an interesting comment on the Times Union's web-site. It is by Educatedone a frequent commented on education issues. For a little scale Ed White which is about to have its forth principal in five years is one of those schools that according to the article is scheduled to leave the intervene list.

One must wonder why Principal Iranetta Wright has been allowed to remain at the helm of Jackson High School.

A quick review of Jackson's data would indicate serious problems with her leadership.
The students obviously get that something is wrong with Jackson's leadership. In 2009-2010, there were nearly 1200 students. Enrollment as of 6/11/12 is a little over 700 students.
1200-700=500 students GONE

With regards to academic performance, the school has not made a lot of progress since she first became principal of the school in 2007.

Reading and Writing are extremely important to the success of our students because in order to understand Math and Science concepts you have to know how to read and write.

In 2007, Reading proficiency was 18%. In 2012, it has only increased by 1 percentage point to 19%.
In 2007, Writing proficiency was 80%. In 2012, it has only increased by 2 percentage points (with lower passing score than 2007) to 82%.

Some are going to argue that she has been able to increase the number of students making gains. And gains are great. However, we need to create a culture of moving our students to proficiency. Iranetta cannot get these kids proficient.

Another argument some might argue is the improbability of this happening at the high school level.

Well, let's look at Ribault High School (which has had more F grades than any other school in Northeast Florida and maybe even the entire state)

When Dr. James Young arrived at Ribault in 2009:

Reading proficiency was 18%. In 2012, the Reading proficiency has increased by 13 percentage points to 31% (highest in school's history).

Writing proficiency was 75%. In 2012, the Writing proficiency increased by 5 percentage points to 80%.

What Iranetta has not been able to do in her almost 6 years, James has done in 3 years.
It is time for Iranetta to get the boot. It is not fair that other principals have been demoted, or transferred from their school only after a year or two at the helm.

What does this lady have on the district that the rest of us don't?



  1. It is who she is married to and how he got his job. Jax is a weird system.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
