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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Duval County wouldn’t fudge the enrollment numbers would they?

They have never fudged numbers before right?

Something has bugged me about this open enrollment proposal and that’s the report of our enrollment that I thought had actually gone up this year.  Below from a reader seems to back that up.

The Rush to Open Enrollment
One Man’s Thoughts

Open Enrollment, the latest policy initiative from the DCPS Superintendent, may be a good idea. But it has not been vetted, it may have the opposite of its intended consequences, but we are given no time to have a thorough discussion by all stakeholders in the school system.

Why the rush? Perhaps the answer is this: Last August, Duval schools were short on instructional materials. The reason given was that enrollment was up: 2,000 over the projected enrollment of 118,000 students.

If you read the media reports down to the details, you found that the enrollment was reported as 117,000 as of this month of March.

That’s right—120,000 in August; 117,000 in March.

Maybe the Superintendent is panicked by the loss of 3,000 students in six months.

That’s no reason to rush a policy into effect that could have massive unintended consequences.

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