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Friday, March 14, 2014

Why is it more complicated to write an IEP than to fundamentally change the entire district. #whatstherush?

At my school we start writing IEPs thirty days before they are due. We begin the process of reviewing and gathering all the information available. We talk to all the student’s teachers, service providers and relevant stake holders.

Day 30, review all the anticipated outcomes of the current IEP, include all service providers.
Day 21, submit draft IEP to reviewer/LEA with the compliance checklist and current IEP
Day 18, draft IEP and compliance checklist returned to teacher with corrections noted if needed
Day 16, submit second draft with corrections if needed
 Day 14, draft approved for sending to parent
Day 10, confirm meeting with LEA, service providers and parents, provide meeting notice to all parents
Day 0, have IEP meeting, submit to CRT for input in genesis.
Thirty days if all goes right affecting one student and one family.

The super introduced the concept of open enrollment on the 11th of March and the school board plans to vote on it on April first, April fool’s day ironically enough and it effects hundreds of thousands of students and family members.  Furthermore how many stakeholders have been consulted?

If this is indeed a great idea and I have my reservations then it will be a great idea next year when it can be implemented properly.

If not then this has disaster written all over it.

1 comment:

  1. This is the Vitti style, or what has become S.O.P. for the District. Propose a broad-ranging policy without the details worked out at the last minute, insist it has to be done immediately, do not consult anyone who actually works at a school, get it approved (when needed), and demand implementation the next day. (Yes, once the Board approves April 1, he will send out an email telling everyone he expects parents to begin signing up no later than 8 AM on April 2.) When anybody asks a question, respond with an attitude that suggests if you were too stupid to get it, they won't bother explaining it.
