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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Florida legislatures latest plan to stick it to professional educators while giving Teach for America a pass bill

The Florida legislature plans to make it tougher to become a teacher in the future by ratcheting up certificate requirements. Well friends since the vast majority of TFA recruits are two and done they will never get professional certificates and thus be able to side step this. Just yet another example of how the state of Florida wants to turn teaching from a profession to a service industry job staffed by hobbyists and scabs.

HB 433 Educator Certification by Rep. Spano was passed in the House Education Appropriations Subcommittee. The bill provides requirements for certain instructional personnel who supervise or direct pre-service field experience; revises acceptable means of demonstrating mastery of general knowledge, subject area knowledge, and professional preparation and education competence; revises components of competency-based professional development certification and education competency program; repeals study to compare performance of certain certificate-holders; revises certain requirements for renewal or reinstatement of professional certificate.  Next stop for this bill is the House Education Committee. 

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