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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Florida’s who cares what local school boards think, we’ll establish charter schools where we please bill

I always thought one of the tenants of the republican part was local control. That my friends is a myth. The state legislature’s love affair with charter schools campaign contributions has caused them to hijack the charter school application process. They go through so many rubber stamps that override the decisions of local school boards they should serious invest in a rubber stamp factory.

Here is another instance.

A provision added to the  “Florida G.I. Bill” would add new language to the state’s charter schools law, calling for commanders on bases to “collaboratively work with the Commissioner of Education to increase military family student achievement, which may include the establishment of charter schools on military installations.”

Notice, work with the commissioner who has never met a charter she didn’t like, not with local school boards who are the elected officials in charge of local public education. ED commissioners by the way are not elected they are appointed.  

So much for local control and so much for listening to professionals when it comes to education decisions because the Florida legislature prefers to listen to the sounds of their reelection bank accounts getting bigger instead.  .

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