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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Is Duval setting its teachers up to fail?

Follow me for a second. At the beginning of the year, well sometime during the first nine weeks anyways teachers gave their children a pre test to set a baseline. Then at the end of the year they are supposed to give the same test to see if there has been any growth. Not a bad way of doing things if you ask me though I think teachers should get the first results (maybe not the same questions) so they will know what subjects kids have deficits in and be able to work with them. Since the powers that be like gotcha moments more than helping kids we’re not quite at that point yet.

Anyway teachers all over the district have been reporting that the district lost their initial baselines and have been told to readminister the tests. This has happened to entire classes and grade levels in certain schools. Well friends if the teachers give the same tests now the results will be different and at the end of the year when they give the post test the gains will be smaller. Friends this has pay and employment ramifications.

If the district can’t be responsible enough to do their job then teachers should not have to pay the price for it. Sadly more and more each day especially with the expansion of TFA and with bringing the TNTP to town I am beginning to believe that kneecapping our teachers is the overall goal.

Sadly we have people in charge who don’t respect teachers and who would rather replace than improve our schools.

If the district is asking teachers to redo the baseline tests then they without a doubt are setting teachers up to fail.

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