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Monday, March 31, 2014

Eric Fresen Florida’s worst legislator ever

Sit down friends this one is a doozy.

From the St. Augustine Record when commenting about vouchers: “There is a pent-up demand for that program, a potential demand in the future, and we are going to allow for that demand be met,” Rep. Erik Fresen, R-Miami, told reporters after the 8-4 vote by the House Education Appropriations subcommittee.

Um what about the pent up demand to stop standardized tests? Maybe a few people do want vouchers but millions are tired of teaching to the test, sadly unlike the voucher people they haven’t contributed to Fresen’s reelection campaigns.  The bottom-line for him is if you are a public school parent or student you don’t matter to him.

It gets worse though, also from the record: .Organizations that run the program estimate as many 25,000 additional students are trying to get into the program now, although at one point Fresen contended that as many as 100,000 students want to enroll in it.

So Fresen took their money and then lied for them, talk about ethics.

What can I say about his scruples that his words don’t already say for him.  

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