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Monday, March 17, 2014

Florida’s latest worst legislator of all time Rick “voucher” Workman, R Melbourne

Workman is the author of the “stake in the heart” to public education Voucher bill that will dramatically increase the amount of vouchers the state would give out as well as other disastrous provisions. Not only that but he doesn’t know Florida’s constitution which I imagine he swore to up hold.

When defending his bill against mounting criticism he said, “What (the constitution) doesn’t say is that it has to be a public school environment,” he said. “We are paying for it.”

First the constitution does say it, the education of children to be a fundamental value of the people of Florida; establishes adequate provision for education as a paramount duty of the state; expands constitutional mandate requiring the state to make adequate provision for a uniform system of free public schools by also requiring the state to make adequate provision for an efficient, safe, secure, and high quality system.

Right there, uniform system of free public schools. It doesn’t say, hey if a parent doesn’t want sex ed or to learn about evolution, or has an irrational fear of teacher unions we’ll pay to send them somewhere else.

But he is right we are paying for it, the same taxpayers that care about the constitution that he obviously is ignorant about. 

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