Let me start by saying according to the letter of the law I have been told nothing illegal has occurred but with that being said I think you will agree that the appearance of impropriety is all over this.
Connie Hall, Betty Burney's friend and who she endorsed for the school board race is about to receive a no bid/non competitive contract for nearly 500 thousand dollars for her company Ready for Tomorrow to provide services to a couple of our intervene schools. If these services are so important why aren't they being bid on.
If it happens once maybe you can shake your head and let it go but this is the second time it has happened this year. Nancy Broner another good friend of Betty Burney also got a no-bid contract from the school board to host the community meetings. It has certainly become lucrative to be Mrs. Burney's friend.
It was pointed out to me that there are seven members on the board and Betty Burney is just one. Yes that is true but she is also the chair and that position undoubtedly brings great influence with it.
It was also pointed out to me that these were life long educators with a history in the district to which I feel comfortable responding and if the establishment drove us into the ditch why do we think, and why are we giving them hundreds of thousand of dollars, to get us out.
Shouldn't we at least explore other options?
Is this the best the district can do?
OMG No wonder Duval Country is going down the drain. Politics has no place in education!