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Friday, July 27, 2018

As school is about to start, Tallahassee escalates its war on teachers and public schools

On the heels of Tallahassee grossly under funding their safety initiatives...

On the heels of Tallahassee's attacks on teacher unions...

On the heels of hundreds of teachers being fired because they couldn't pass part of a test that Tallahassee purposely made much more difficult...

On the heels of Tallahassee pushing amendment 8, a poison pill amendment which would obliterate local control of schools...

Tallahassee now has districts bracing for last minute teacher cuts at the states neediest schools.

Duval teachers United sent the following message to its members and you can bet if it is happening in Jacksonville it is happening all throughout the state.

Because of the special status of turnaround schools, the state requires that specific employee staffing changes take place. The moves will be based on student VAM scores. The state has identified cut off student VAM scores in order for individual instructional staff members to remain at the schools. If you teach in a VAM subject area or grade level, you may be surplussed to another school if your scores don’t meet the state’s cutoff score. It is important that you are aware that this may become a possibility.

Once the VAM scores are released from the department of education, teachers will be notified if they will be surplussed to another worksite for the upcoming school year. The employee will have two days to pack up their belongings at their current worksite and move them to the new work site.

These are the schools that can expect the last second surplusses

In Duval 21 schools can expect last minute teacher surpluses as Tallahassee purposely sets up our schools and children for failure. 

Friends, and all this is happening while voucher schools that have siphoned billions away from our public schools employ teachers that don't have to take and pass any test, have any certification or have degrees. How the $%#^ does this make any sense?

Explain to me how the republicans' in Tallahassee have not declared war on the teaching profession and public schools? What more proof do you need?

This is shameful and enough is enough, it is way past time for a change.

For %$#& sake!

1 comment:

  1. "Friends, and all this is happening while voucher schools that have siphoned billions away from our public schools employ teachers that don't have to take and pass any test, have any certification or have degrees.

    ... and you might want to add:

    "And voucher-funded private school teachers' VAM scores are totally irrelevant to whether or not those teachers can remain at a school. VAM scores might not even be calculated at all, or if they are, voucher students' test scores may result in a ZERO VAM score for the teacher, and he/she may be kept on anyway, since there's ZERO oversight of those schools, nor are voucher-funded private schools held accountable in any way."

    All this VAM garbage has nothing ... NUH-THING! ... to do with improving the educational outcomes of children. If it did, they'd make VAM-based evaluation of teachers, and the reporting of those VAM scores mandatory for all schools that get public money --- public, charter, and voucher funded public schools.

    They don't to that.


    Because VAM is about busting the teachers union, and sabotaging public schools, so that eventually, they will cease to exist.
