It's no secret that Louisiana has been tough on public schools and their teachers over the last few years. There are many teachers who spent their lives educating children in New Orleans who are now living hand to mouth thanks to Bobby Jindal's anti-public school policies throwing them out of their jobs.
Now two public school teachers from Jeanerette Sr High in Lafayette Louisiana are being hailed as heroes for saving lives during a movie theater shooting, that killed two and injured seven. This is far from the first time public school teachers have been recognized for their heroic efforts.
Unfortunately teachers have become scapegoats for many of societies ills and ground zero for this has to be Bobby Jindal's Louisiana.
It would be nice if Louisiana stepped up and helped with their medical bills but since that is unlikely here is a link to help.

Now two public school teachers from Jeanerette Sr High in Lafayette Louisiana are being hailed as heroes for saving lives during a movie theater shooting, that killed two and injured seven. This is far from the first time public school teachers have been recognized for their heroic efforts.
Unfortunately teachers have become scapegoats for many of societies ills and ground zero for this has to be Bobby Jindal's Louisiana.
Jindal however now that he is running for president was all to willing to give credit to public school teachers, a group he has regularly marginalized and demonized. This is what NPR is reporting he said:"One teacher literally jumping over her friend, potentially saving her life. Second teacher felt like that bullet would have hit her in the head if her friend hadn't jumped on her. The second teacher was shot anyway, in the leg — had the presence of mind to pull that fire alarm."
Thank you for acknowledging their efforts but Shame on you Bobby Jindal for only recognizing public school teachers when they get shot in a movie theater saving other people's lives and perhaps it's time you recognized the hard work they do and sacrifices they make on a daily basis.It would be nice if Louisiana stepped up and helped with their medical bills but since that is unlikely here is a link to help.

Well said!