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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Gary Chartrand's friends seem to be getting rich off education (rough draft)

Let me start by saying I don't think Chartrand is trying to get rich. He is more of a zealot than a mercenary but that hasn't stopped his friends from seeing a windfall from his position on the state board of education.

First there is his Jacksonville KIPP school that he invested millions to bring to town. They were the recent recipient of 1.6 million dollars in public money in the form of a cooperation grant between them and the District.

What's the grant for? So the district can lean from KIPP and emulate what it is doing. Sadly the only lesson we can learn from them is money does matter as they spend about a third more per child. The KIPP school has also been protected by Chartrands rule that school grades can only drop one letter grade at a time and allowed a I believe undeserved massive expansion. That though probably has more to do with Chartrand collecting school board members like normal people collect baseball cards.

Then there is Teach for America which Chartrand paid a million dollars to bring to town. The 44 million dollars best and brightest scholarships are nothing more than a give away to these temp teachers as first year teachers with high SAT scores are eligible for up to ten thousand dollars. It's an insult to veteran teachers everywhere or you know the people Chartrand thinks should have no work protections and be marginalized out of existence.

KIPP and TFA two organizations that Chartrand has close ties to, and are two organizations essentially getting millions of free tax payer money under his watch.

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