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Thursday, July 2, 2015

It's official the 44 million dollars is a giveaway to Teach for America

Writing about the controversial  program to give teachers up to ten thousand dollars based on their SAT scores Scott Travis wrote in the Sun Sentinel:

  First-year teachers without a current evaluation would be eligible if they met the test score requirements, which Walsh also found problematic since they haven't proven they're highly effective yet.


This means the program is nothing but a back door giveaway to Teach for America courtesy of board members Rebecca Fishman Lipsey and Gary Chartrand not the ancient research that charter loving and public school hating representative Eric Fresen would have you believe. It's just another selling point to the master of the universe types who think they are saving public education. It is a travesty that they can just show up and be eligible for the giveaway.

In case you need to be even further outraged, also form the article:  Fresen, who chairs the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Education and has close ties to a charter school management company, could not be reached for comment despite calls to his office and home.  The studies he cited included one in 1996 from the Monroe County Community School Corp. in Indiana, a 2002 report from Cornell University in New York, and a 2003 study from the American Educational Research Association.

Earlier the Tampa Times reported he came up with the idea while reading a book waiting for a flight.

We should first all be embarrassed that this is how Florida does things, then we should be outraged that the legislature thinks it can waste 44 million dollars on hobbyists who do the exact opposite of what we know our kids need and finally we should do something. Florida must stop voting for these corrupt idiots.

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