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Monday, July 6, 2015

Vitti shrugs his shoulders at one in six teachers leaving.

From the Times Union: Duval’s teacher turnover is not as bad as elsewhere, he said, citing the New Teacher Project’s national data showing an average of 16 percent of teachers nationwide left their classrooms for others or for good in the 2012-13 school year. Duval’s turnover this year is about 15 percent.

At least 3,482 of Duval’s more than 8,000 teachers have less than five years’ experience, said Terrie Brady, Duval Teachers United president. She said she is encouraged by the district’s hiring progress but Duval is suffering, like most other districts, from Baby Boomers reaching retirement.

See we are doing much better than the nation they are at 16 percent and we're way down at 15 percent.

Also I hope that wasn't Terrie Brady's complete quote.  She knows there are schools that are horrible places to work in, where admins act like bullies and dictators who literally run good teachers out of the district, she cannot keep covering for the district.

The super may not care that one in six teachers left this year but I do and unlike the super I also know that the district will never meet its potential as long as morale is as poor as it is.  The bottom line is we cannot be successful as long as we don't support and continue to marginalize our teachers. 

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