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Monday, July 20, 2015

One out of four Jacksonville children don't attend public school

Following up our first place finish both for percentage and amount of kids being home schooled, Duval scores a fourth place finish in the percentage of kids attending private schools.

By the numbers, 24,187 or 15.8 percent of the kids attending school in Duval attend one of 168 private schools.

Then according to the district web site 10,662 students attend one of the districts 34 charter schools. At least for part of the year.

Counting home schooled children (6,106) that is 40,995 out of  155,497 or about twenty-six percent of the city's children whose families have said no to Duval County schools and that's not even counting the families that have moved to the surrounding communities.

And before you say charters are public schools, yada yada yada most are publicly funded private schools that as a group do a poor job, especially here in Jacksonville when compared to the city's public schools.

I believe as a whole Duval's public schools are the best thing going and there are great things going on at everyone of our public schools, great teachers teaching great kids. That being said the percentage of kids fleeing our public schools has gone up over the last few years.

I think it boils down to leadership, leadership which has not taken discipline and teacher moral and retention seriously. Where addressing those two problems won't solve all of the district's problems I believe it would go a long way to doing so. We can't ignore those two things and hope to be successful.

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