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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rather than put a competent principal at First Coast High superintendent Vitti would rather...

Let me say some of these ideas are great and I think they should be implemented at all our high schools. 

Here is a list of what the super plans to put in First Coast in response to hundreds of parent complaints, massive staff turnover and a drop in overall performance. It was compiled by Erica Madson via Facebook. 

A dedicated SRO that will NOT be leaving the school to address the elementary as previously.
An additional security guard added to the team bringing the total to 6.
An ability to identify habitual troublemakers and arrange transfer to another school. A team has already been working on this and they plan to lock down on this unwanted behavior after 3-4 weeks of school. This gives the student a chance to turn things around, but it also enables them to track behavior.
Football games will continue as they are now with additional police support but Saturday afternoon games are a strong possibility for student and surrounding neighborhood safety
A new guidance counselor bringing the total to 5
A grad coach focused on Seniors needing additional support with graduation
A guidance counselor dedicated FB page for outreach which will included important deadlines and scholarship opportunities. This path was selected because it rapidly updates and is familiar in format to students and parents
A new appointment system for the guidance team available online for parents and students.
Accountability in the guidance department to a designated Administrator
An additional clerk dedicated to parent follow up in the office and guidance areas
This is being taken very seriously. Vitti has sought for approval to reduce FCHS and Oceanway MS boundaries to reflect what was historically used. This returns a large number of students to the Ribault area and Raines area. Andrew Jackson is still being considered for a dedicated magnet and he had no comment about where those students would be attending
Boundary change input is welcome and encouraged from FCHS PTA and SAC as well as OMS PTA and SAC. It is a lengthy process that won’t impact attendance area until a possible implementation for 2016-2017. Students will be grandfathered in. In general change won’t be realized for 3-4 years following implementation
MAJOR building and home construction as well as job growth is increasing population. A need for an additional middle and high is well known, but no plan is in place build a new school…yet. Vitti is hoping the boundary change process will provide data needed to take to the city council to push for new builds, but adds certain high schools and middle schools are very underutilized and is the reason for past blocking of building anything new. The push for boundaries along with the City of Jacksonville’s 2030 plan will be a significant push in the direction we need for new schools. Please plan to attend and voice your opinions at these meetings.
Faculty—still no answer about why we don’t have Dual enrollment teachers needed, but we will have a brand new dual enrollment certified math teacher Spring 2016. No others mentioned
The office of equity and inclusion will be attending the very first FCHS staff meeting to discuss past problems such as hostile workplace, bullying behavior, and intimidation. Mr. Wright, Dr. Vitti, and Mr. Davis plan to be at the first meeting and one or all three will be at subsequent meetings every 3 weeks.
A teacher appreciation committee has been formed
Focus this year from superintendent on down is trust. You are no longer alone. You have help that will be waiting for you, and the punitive behavior from Admin is to be ended.
Transparency. A quarterly meeting will be held at FCHS with Vitti, Wright, will be held for the community.
Twitter account that is school specific has been created. The purpose is to get factual information out to parents and students as rapidly as possible
Community Liaison….there will be someone official at the school that is dedicated to working to involve community partnerships and team building.
Discover Duval will visit FCHS and highlight the good things about our school 2x in the coming year, dates TBD
Code of conduct status
Still in review but likely to be official approved with changes end of August. Teachers and parents are encouraged to provide feedback with what’s working and what isn’t, citing specific examples is most helpful
It’s expected that the code of conduct will be upheld from day one…

Pretty impressive right? There is just one problem the person responsible for all the damage done to First Coast high school principal Al Brennan still has his job and in fact the super has referred to him as one of the city's best. Though to be honest if he was one of the city's best why would be Viti be on his third community meeting and implementing all of above.

After listening and talking to several First Coast community members I would categorize them as cautiously optimistic, just like I and many were when Vitti arrived, I hope their optimism isn't given cause to fade like many of ours has.


  1. "The Code of Conduct will be upheld from day one..." What a joke! It is not upheld at any school.

  2. "Focus this year from superintendent on down is trust. You are no longer alone. You have help that will be waiting for you, and the punitive behavior from Admin is to be ended." Yeah sure! I don't believe any of this hogwash. What about the teachers whose careers and reputations have been sullied by those who have been allowed a free reign of terror?

  3. I just don't get it.The superintendent who moves administrators like he's playing Chinese Checkers (I would have said 'Chess' but not that much thought goes into it), but he moves these administrators, yet Brennen appears to be bolted to the courtyard. WHY?

    1. Because Vitti's huge ego will not allow him to admit he's wrong.
