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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Broward County turns down charter school grant that Duval accepted.

Since Vitti arrived at the behest of  his lord and master  benefactor Gary Chartrand charter schools have exploded here in the city. I believe Chartrand would replace every public school with a charter school if he could and Vitti hasn't done much to slow this from happening. He has hired charter school executives, attended conferences about how to attract more and he has done nothing to stop their numbers from expanding whether we needed then (we haven't) or not. His latest maneuver has seen the district receive a grant to help charter schools expand, the same grant that Broward County just turned down. 

From the Sun Sentinel: The Broward School Board overwhelmingly rejected a $3.3 million state grant on Tuesday to recruit successful charter-school companies to save their failing counterparts in the district. 

The Broward School Board overwhelmingly rejected a $3.3 million state grant on Tuesday to recruit successful charter-school companies to save their failing counterparts in the district.
Board members insisted it was the state's responsibility to tighten the charter school laws that allowed floundering schools to open in the first place and continue to operate.
"I am not in the business of going and cleaning up low-performing charter schools that take our money, that purchase things they shouldn't be purchasing," said board member Robin Bartleman. "The state needs to clean up the mess they created by not regulating them."
Charter schools receive public dollars but are run by independent governing boards.
But districts say charter school laws are too lenient, making them easy to open and difficult to shutter if they fail. A dozen charter schools in Broward are on two-year improvement plans because they earned D or F grades; 21 others have closed since 2012.

"The whole idea behind charter schools is that they can do it better than us," said board member Laurie Rich Levinson, who also opposed the grant. She said 37 percent of charter schools had C, D or F grades. "It's not our job to match up management companies with low performing schools and turn those schools around."

So here is Broward County pushing back against charter schools, of which over 270 have taken public money and failed leaving families and communities in a lurch, while Duval is embracing them.
Charter schools many of which are for profit also as a group under perform when compared to public schools. In fact the promise of charter schools has been co-opted by mercenaries and real estate tycoons.

Why would we be excepting money to help them expand? Oh that's right Chartrand wants us to and we all know who really runs our district.

We desperately need people in place who will fight back against this privatization and it's obvious Superintendent Vitti is not that guy because he cannot serve two masters, he cannot both serve  public schools and Chartrand and the privatization movement.

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