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Monday, March 9, 2015

When is getting just 50% AWESOME! When the Times Union talks about Vitti.

From the Times Union: While the survey reveals deep dissatisfaction with local public education, voters continued to express steady confidence in its leadership.

The survey found lingering concern about Jacksonville’s public education system.
Fifty-two percent of voters are unsatisfied — 29 percent of those strongly so — compared with just 39 percent who give the system a thumbs up. That’s still a notch up from a 2013 UNF survey, when 56 percent of voters said they were unsatisfied with the school system.
But perceptions of Superintendent Nikolai Vitti are much better: Half of voters say they approve of the job Vitti is doing, a fairly stable finding in recent years.

That result was echoed in a December 2014 survey conducted by UNF for the Jacksonville Public Education Fund, which found Vitti with a 51.5 percent approval rating. In a 2013 Education Fund survey, Vitti had a 50 percent approval rating.
There you have it 52 percent is deep dissatisfaction  in the school system while at the same time 50 percent is steady confidence in Vitti's leadership.
Sorry, sorry I just had to get it out.
No matter how much the Times Union, the Chamber of Commerce and a few African American churches want it, Vitti has a long way to go before the city believes in his steady leadership. How after the massive push by the business community to sell Vitti is 50% considered good? Vitti may develop into a leader who we are confident in but just because some people like him doesn't make it so.

The Times Union does the city a deep disservice when they put on an all is well face and print crap like that above.

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