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Monday, March 2, 2015

Superintendent Vitti really loves Gary Chartrand, let me count the ways.

From the Times Union: “With Gary being on the board, it provides perspective on issues regarding Jacksonville ...,” said Duval Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti. “There’s a level of ownership he’s taken in seeing that students in the Urban Core succeed through KIPP Academy and Quality Education for All, but at the same time, requiring more accountability, as well,” he said.

You know because we need the perspective of a white Ponte Vedra millionaire who has never taught or worked in our schools to tell us what we need, I am sorry make that tell our poor black children what they need.

Chartrand must have developed his perspective for the urban core  when his kids were at Bolles

And Vitti's right about ownership because that is what Chartrand wants to do, own our schools, heck he already owns most of the school board.

If Vitti really thinks Chartand is the way to go and I get it, he can't really say, thanks for the money Gary but you are kind of a disaster, then Jacksonville is in big trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Come on's the perfect crime ! Ya got respect the evil genius of it all. How else can you steal money from a neighborhood that has no money. These guys are brilliant!
