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Thursday, March 26, 2015

We have to take everything Vitti says with a grain, make that a shaker of salt.

I really hate to say it but I believe everything that Superintendent Vitti says should be taken with a grain of salt and I base this mostly on his proclamations about improved discipline. Everyone knows the books are cooked. 

So when Vitti says the kids at the transformational schools have already gained a year’s worth, I am not buying it and it doesn’t help that Vitti has a lot riding on the QEA either.

From the Times Union: Most students at 36 of Duval County’s struggling schools made a year’s worth of progress in six months in reading and math, new district data show.
“I know we’re moving in the right direction,” said Superintendent Nikolai Vitti, referring to the 36 schools in the Andrew Jackson, Ribault and Raines high school feeder patterns which are called Duval’s “transformation” schools.

I actually think moving some of our best teachers to our neediest schools was the right idea, though where worth every penny I think there were better ways than bribing the to move. Sadly we know that as soon as the money is turned off most will head back to the schools they came from.

But how do you staff those schools with Teach for America hobbyists too? On one hand they go we need these veterans there but then on the other they say let’s throw in some non-education teachers, a fifth of whom won’t last a year and the vast majority will be gone it two, as well. That’s F$%#ing madness.

Has there been improvement? I imagine in some classes yes, but I imagine overall they are not far from where they started.   


  1. CGA (Curriculum Guide Assessment) results do show the DTO schools outperforming the rest of the district. The problem is that QEA is a seesaw: these schools go up, but other schools go down. QEA is not solving a problem; it is moving a problem and the side that is going down is the Westside. Vitti admitted as much when he said he has schools on the Westside that now need the same intervention but he doesn't know where he will find the money.

  2. Grain of salt? I'm reminded of the old superstition that when you spill the salt, you take up a pinch and throw it over your shoulder. That best pictures what I see the Board doing as they vote to extend the man's contract before its time.
